
Upcoming Events

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Past Events

Saturday 22nd June 2024

Southampton Refugee Week 2024

A community celebration of the contributions & creativity of refugees, for Refugee Week (17-23 June): everyone welcome!
Sunday 24th September 2023


Wednesday 8th March 2023

China by the Back Door: A Journey through Central Asia

a talk by our patron John Pilkington on Wednesday 8 March 2023. Starting by the Aral Sea, John passed through the legendary cities of Bukhara and Samarkand, before crossing the Pamirs to Kyrgyzstan’s old silk-producing heartland. He made it through to Kashgar, and explored the previously off-limits Taklamakan Desert. A quick look at the Jiayuguan gate on the Great Wall, finishing in Ürümqi which has been transformed from sprawling hovels into a modern Chinese city. These are the lands of the Uyghur people, whose lives and culture have been torn apart.
Refugee Week Poster
Saturday 24th June 2023

Refugee Week

Our events raise much-needed funds and raise awareness of our work and the plight of asylum seekers. They include concerts, sponsored walks, talks, cake sales, a bridge afternoon and film nights.