We plan a variety of enjoyable activities suitable for people seeking asylum and their children, taking into account people’s interests, level of English and physical abilities. We hope that the trips and activities help relieve depression and provide memorable, safe and happy experiences in the SWVG community.
We sometimes have activties at Avenue St Andrews Church on Friday mornings. In the past, we’ve hed clay modelling and table tennis.
The team and others in SWVG have helped organise regular activities such as yoga classes, a choir, cycling lessons and gym membership. We have taken groups on trips to Sea City Museum, Bournemouth, Winchester, Romsey, London, Hamble, Blue Reef Aquarium, a falconry display at Brambridge, walks in the New Forest and Royal Victoria Country Park and a session at Woodmill Activity Centre. We are very grateful to Nuffield Theatre and to Winchester Chamber Music Festival for complimentary tickets to excellent performances which clients have really enjoyed.
We aim to be economical with SWVG funds, so we look for free or reduced admission, group travel and flexibility of numbers attending.
Did you know that SWVG has an allotment and we welcome visitors and helpers? Read how you can take part.
The activities team: Celia Cox, Claudia Glyn and Sue Jessup. We welcome new members, helpers for trips and ideas for interesting and cost-effective activities.
Find out more from Sue Jessup sue.jessup@swvg-refugees.org.uk