Lots of ways to help

Pages in this section:

Face-to-face with people seeking asylum

  • Teach English – language skills are vital for refugees’ adjustment and integration into a new country, helping them form social connections, gain employment, and access vital services including healthcare, education and legal advice. 
  • Befriend someone while they claim asylum and wait for a decision – find out more

Behind the scenes

You can make an active contribution to our work by joining one of our groups which work behind the scenes. Most groups meet regularly once every month or two, often by Zoom, and usually in the evening.

  • Help campaign. We campaign to improve the treatment of asylum seekers locally and throughout the UK. Help us write letters to MPs, research information, or put together briefings for members and supporters.
  • Help run an event. We always need people to run or help with events to raise money and awareness, such as concerts, sponsored walks, cake sales, bridge afternoons and talks. You might like to organise an event yourself or help out by delivering flyers, running a raffle, acting as a steward or even washing up! We aim to have one events group based in Winchester and one in Southampton.
  • Help spread the word. Our communications group manages our website, Facebook and Twitter presence, produces our newsletter and other material. We need people to help keep our digital presence up-to-date and interesting.
  • Join our outreach team that aims to raise awareness of asylum issues and the work of SWVG throughout the community, for example by giving talks.
  • Join our fundraising team. They make funding bids to grant-making trusts, and organise donations from individuals and organisations.

We are always pleased to hear from prospective new volunteers, and discuss how you can contribute.

Drop us a note to info@SWVG-refugees.org.uk.

If you are interested in volunteering with SWVG please fill in the SWVG Volunteer Application Form.

We are always pleased to hear from prospective new volunteers, and discuss how you can contribute.

Drop us a note to info@SWVG-refugees.org.uk.

If you know what you’d like to volunteer to do, here’s the SWVG Volunteer Application Form. Fill it in and send it to info@SWVG-refugees.org.uk