Do you need help?

Help in Southampton:

SWVG is in Southampton to help you. We are a charity. We do not receive government money. We do not report to the police. We believe that everyone seeking asylum deserves respect and compassion.

Email us at:

Come and talk to us: advice, support, and free refreshments every Friday morning 09:30-12:00 at the Avenue Multicultural Centre, St Andrew’s Church, Southampton, SO17 1XQ. Meet other people who are looking for asylum. We look forward to seeing you.

If you are not in Southampton, contact the Red Cross for services near you:

Others who might help you: 

  • Care4Calais WhatsApp: 07519 773268  
  • Migrant Help: 0808 8010 503 for help with claiming asylum and asylum support
  • Refugee Council Infoline: 0808 196 7272 Mondays and Thursdays 09:30-12:30 to avoid crisis and destitution.


If you are in a police station, prison or removal centre, you can get help. Call a lawyer immediately:


Bail for Immigration Detainees: free legal advice 020 7456 9750 Monday to Thursday, 10:00-12:00.

Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees (AVID): If you are in detention it can be difficult to access accurate information. AVID can help. If possible, try to find out how you can make contact with the AVID member organisation that provides support in the centre in which you are held. You can find a full list here. You can contact them directly for support. Alternatively, you can contact AVID to be put in touch with the right group.

The Right to Remain toolkit: A guide to the UK immigration and asylum system is available in most languages: 

شخصان يقفان وينظران إلى صورة كبيرة لمخطط المطالبات الجديد