Communications Group

The Communications Group is responsible for both internal and external communications.

External include:

  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube accounts and content;
  • public website
  • print materials about SWVG such as leaflets and the brochure.
  • the quarterly newsletter
  • display boards, pop-up banner and flag
  • maintaining a stock of photographs which can be used by SWVG, and our policy on permission for photos and film

Internal includes:

  • zoom account
  • SWVG website (member pages)

The group meets monthly on zoom, on the last Thursday of each month at 8pm for one hour.

Members (December 2023) of the Communications Group are:

  • Jo Bartlett-Hubbard (on maternity leave)
  • Julian Benjamin
  • William Brook-Hart (link to Campaigns Group)
  • Jacob Hartley
  • Hazel Inskip (secretary)
  • Elly Kilroy
  • Tharshan Vettivel

Four active members have had to stand down this year because of family circumstances or other pressures after making a big contribution. So we need more members to join us and play an active role. Everyone takes responsibility for one task, such as keeping SWVG Facebook up-to-date. It isn’t essentail for you to come to meetings regularly as long as you keep in touch. If you might be interested, please email