Local sources of help during COVID 19 lockdown

Practical information on supermarket vouchers, food, post offices, domestic violence, how to pay for gas meters.

So:Linked – Community Navigation service

SO: Linked have a service supporting Southampton through the coronavirus situation:

  • navigating people who are affected by the coronavirus situation to practical and emotional support
  • supporting/coordinating the Southampton voluntary sector response

So if you are impacted by self isolation or other issues surrounding coronavirus contact them and we will do our best to link you with voluntary organisations who can help in practical ways and offer emotional support. They can also signpost to other resources and help link someone in with virtual support groups. If you are making a referral on behalf of someone else you must tick the consent box for them to accept the referral. You can refer via the online form, email or phone number or EMIS / System gor to https://www.solinked.org.uk/. They also have a dedicated page which will be regularly updated with the Community Links for support during COVID-19  where you can get help and how you can be of help.

Children and school

Children of asylum seekers can be treated as vulnerable children and so can attend school.  They will attract pupil premium funding and as such will be entitled to a free school meal though many may be receiving this at home.
David Retter, SWVG lead trustee on safeguarding, has spoken to local authority officers in both Southampton and Hampshire children’s services departments and says:
“There is common agreement that children of asylum seekers should attend school if their parents wish for it and attending school would not be detrimental to their health or that of their parents. Southampton intends to write to headteachers asking them to receive children of asylum seekers should their parents request it.
“I suggest that if any visitor has a client who wishes their child/children to attend school for the remainder of the lockdown period then the parent contact the school to arrange a suitable start date. I’m happy to be involved should there be any problems.” You can contact David at david.retter@swvg-refugees.org.uk. 01962 856612



People can now refer themselves for help from an NHS volunteer.  If you meet certain criteria and need help collecting shopping, medication or other essential supplies or are feeling lonely, call 0808 196 3646 (8am to 8pm). Carers can make a referral on someone else’s behalf, and can self-refer if this will enable them to continue in their caring role.

Southampton Voluntary Services (SVS) maintains the SO:Linked website  as the main source of information on services and support available to help people during this time. It lists all sorts of help, such as getting medicine delivered, looking after pets, drug or alcohols support and many more topics. You can search for help, guidance and services by postcode as well as topic.

Yellow Door’s DIA (Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy) Service hosts zoom sessions on Thursdays 3.30-5.00 for anyone in lockdown to provide a safe space to share experiences, connect with   others and find out about support in Southampton. See Yellow Door Community Zoom

Southampton City Council webpages on coronavirus set out what is open

Southampton City Council web page on all forms of support

 See also Southampton City Council Community Support Hub for vulnerable people

Southampton City Libraries Facebook page is two #DigitalStoryTime and #DigitalRhymeTime videos weekly. More information about library services available digitally here.

Sign up to get Southampton City Council regular briefings about services and COVID-19. Waste collection has now started again.

See the Hampshire County Council dedicated webpage with links to each Council service, where you can see the impact of the virus and lockdown.

Southampton Coronavirus Mutual Aid group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/southampton.covid19.support/.  This group says:  This is a group set up for Southampton residents to offer support for those affected by Coronavirus. If you can offer help to those affected by the Coronavirus (those in self-isolation, elderly, disabled, immunosuppressed), please post in the group. You can help by driving, collecting or delivering food, accessing information, phone calls, etc. Equally, if you need any support, please feel free to ask for support in the group. 🚨ISOLATION HOTLINE: 07923353365 🚨 You can share this phone number with people who may be affected. When affected people get in touch, we can then re-direct their needs to the local WhatsApp groups which are divided up by council wards.

Hampshire-wide Coronavirus Dorset and Hampshire: https://m.facebook.com/groups/1516504385183088?group_view_referrer=profile_browser


Their office is closed. CLEAR’s advice services to asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants continues through the lockdown, by phone, email and WhatsApp. Anyone requiring assistance should call the main number 023 8022 1111 or send an email to eadvice@clearproject.org.uk

Clearsprings Ready Homes

Clearsprings Ready Homes continue to house and support service users whilst minimising physical contact and movement. They are collating telephone numbers and email addresses for existing service users and will provide hard copies of any communications for those that cannot access information electronically and mobile phone handsets for those without access to a mobile phone. They have written to each Main Applicant in the top 10 languages with links to the latest Public Health information and 111 options, with a reminder to contact the AIRE service through Migrant Help if any further support is required. See their statement Clearsprings Covid 19 update 2020_04_01.

Migrant Help

Migrant Help telephone helpline (0808 8010 503) continues to be open 24/7, free to call for all asylum seekers in the UK. It can be used to apply for asylum support, general asylum related advice, or to report issues with asylum accommodation or support payments. See their statement MH Asylum Services update 31 March 2020.