Please donate to SWVG
SWVG relies on donations. Please encourage your friends to make a regular donation. Download the Standing Order / Gift Aid form here. This form can be used by all donors. Fill it in, and send it by email to or by post to the Treasurer, SWVG, PO Box 1615, Southampton, SO17 3WF. The Treasurer then makes a record, and forwards the form to your bank for processing.
If you do not pay income tax in the UK, just leave the Gift Aid section blank.
If you have set up the Standing Order with your bank using internet banking, please note that on the form or in the email.
You can also donate via Just Giving.
SWVG can receive money from Easy Fundraising, if you nominate SWVG as the charity you want to support. Easy Fundraising works with a wide range of online services. More information at https://www.easyfundraising.
Catherine is swimming the Solent on 29 July 2023. Please sponsor her SOLENT SWIM 2023. Half of all the money you give comes to SWVG (and the rest to another good cause). Find out more, and sponsor Catherine at her Total Giving page.
We have a team called SWVG in “Walk the Test Way” on Sunday 24th September, and registration is open now. Entrance is £12 per adult. You can choose any length, from 5 miles to 25.5 miles and compete with friends and family or be linked to others in SWVG. Sponsorship payments can be made through the JustGiving website below – the Rotary, as organising hosts, will take 20% for their local charities and allocate the rest to SWVG.
You can register and join the team here:
You can also find more information at the event website:
Sponsorship payments (or personal donations instead) can be made through this link: https://www.justgiving.
Looking forward to having you join us! Charlie Anzano, Team: SWVG, charlie.anzano@swvg-
Gifts from Trusts and Foundations
The SWVG Fundraising Group raises money for SWVG by applying to trusts and charitable foundations.
They welcome new members. They would also welcome suggestions of potential funders. And they’d love to hear from you if you have links with any funding bodies to which SWVG might apply for funds. They need help with contacting trustees or employees of trusts, or those in influential positions. Stefan Lipa, who advises us on fundraising, has suggested that this could be a useful way to find new trusts to which we could apply for funds. If you have any contacts who might be useful, please get in touch – it could make a huge difference. Hazel Inskip and Sue Turner
If you are looking for a grant to help an individual asylum-seeker, please see the section in “Guidance” on Funding sources for clients.
Fundraising activities
The SWVG Events Group(s) raise funds by organising events such as talks and concerts. This may be in Winchester or Southampton.
They welcome new members. They would also welcome suggestions of possible fundraising events. And they’d love to hear from you if you know someone who would attract an audience.
SWVG BUCKETS: There are buckets for cash collections for SWVG at events. Please contact Liz if you need them
Player piano concert
Frank Boulton and Hazel Inskip performed a player piano concert on 21 March 2021 on zoom in aid of SWVG. They gave an introduction to the player piano (pianola) and performed various ragtime and classical pieces, two of which were accompanied by clarinet. A recording of the concert is at