Charities which offer grants
A few years ago, Celia Cox compiled a list of charities which offer grants to asylum-seekers, with details and contact information. Click here for her list, but please check on the charity’s website before contacting them because they may have changed their rules since this list was compiled.
This page supplements that list.
The Listeners Trust, 15 Hilldown Road, Southampton SO17 1SX supports Christian projects, usually on a one-off basis, and supports individuals in need who are engaged in Christian fields of work. Donations are also made to relieve poverty but only on a basis of referral. Trustees consider applications at least twice a year though urgent requests can be made.
Phoenix Zimbabwe is a small charity which awards small bursaries to Zimbabwean refugees in UK to study and gain skills which will help them re-establish themselves when they return home.
Prisoners of Conscience Appeal Fund SWVG has been accepted as an approved referral agency which can make applications on behalf of clients to the Prisoners of Conscience Appeal Fund. Applicants must fall within POC’s very strict criteria:
“The Fund makes grants to individuals (and/or their families) who have suffered persecution for their conscientiously-held beliefs, provided they have not used or advocated violence or supported a violent organisation or have willingly served in the armed forces. The fact that the applicant is seeking asylum or has been a victim of a civil war is not in itself sufficient. A degree of personal persecution has to be established.”
Applicants should be asylum seekers, or if they have status, this should be for no longer than three years, except in exceptional circumstances.
Grants may be made for the following:
The Fund makes grants for the relief or rehabilitation of anyone who falls inside its remit. This will include:
- Basic essentials such as food, clothing, toiletries and travel costs.
- Basic furniture.
- Counselling/Therapy sessions.
- Family reunion costs.
- Medical needs.
- Some vocational conversion courses such as PLAB and IELTS.
- They do not help with university fees, but can help with travel fares, books etc
Retrospective grants are not usually considered.
Anything which is believed to be truly important in the rehabilitation of the applicant will be considered.
Guideline amounts which may be applied for:
- Up to two people: £350.00
- Three people: £400.00
- Family of four or more: £500.00
In very exceptional circumstances, the Trustees will consider larger amounts.
Ruth Hayman Trust provides education grants for books, fees and equipment of up to £300. Apply through
St Mary’s Church Southampton, Relief in Need fund Emergency funds are available for clients in need who live in the parish of St Mary’s Church, Southampton or attend the church regularly. You can apply to:
Mrs Valerie Warren
4 Morely Close
BH23 7LA
SWVG offers some educational grants of £100.
Wulfris Educational Foundation – for one-off items needed for children at school in Southampton, also school trips. Ashton House, 12 The Precinct, Chandler’s Ford, SO53 2GB, 02380 274555. Contact Richard Harris on 07867 586242/